
Ehehm. Had a small-scale class party today. It was supposed to be a picnic, but we couldn't really decide on an open space to have it, so yeah, easiest option for all - had it in our dear WARM class.

Miss Pat :'s really warm in here! that's to show how warm the class is. I swear, she says it EVERY SINGLE TIME she comes in for a class. No offense intended Miss! I love you =p

Digression. Digression. Di----gression. O Banu.

Back to the subject matter. Party. Right. So yeah, we had this party..lots of FOOD, as you would have naturally assumed and the VIP, our Social Studies lecturer, Madam Caroline. She was the one who came up with the whole idea of having a picnic. You know, to lighten things up. That reminds me; "TODAY IS SATURDAY, OKEYH! Not in work mode" (Caroline, 2009).


So yeah, today IS Saturday. And we had class today! Joy.

You know, I actually expected the day to be morbid. Ghoulish. Retarded.

But it wasn't, strangely enough 0.0

We actually had this interesting discussion during Language Development. Topic?

The discipline level in schools have deteriorated (Mr Mark had a moment of undiagnosed, and totally unintended mental slow-down while spelling out this word on the board. He said that it's a different, writing a word, facing a whiteboard as compared to writing it down on paper. Hmm, I couldn't agree more..imagine having 52 pairs of eyes on you while you write. Freaky). Why?

We had to discuss the topic amongst ourselves and present the points that we managed to come up with. I'm not gonna write out all the points here k. I swear I'm starting to behave more and more like a teacher with each passing day. Hmm.

SO yeah, the points were presented, by word of mouth. No PowerPoint presentation or "mahjong" paper all. Must say, that it was way more relaxing.

We actually spoke about how a teacher should handle problematic students, students with serious disciplinary problems. The example that he gave us: students caught selling porn. In school. How would you (us, future teachers), handle a situation like that, should we be the ones who caught the said student. It was intimidating, that question. The adjective intimidating means to discourage through fear.

Fear because of the worry that the repercussions to whatever action that any one of us would take, as a teacher, might be damaging to the student, or even to our careers. What concerned and still concerns ME, was the reverberations the action might have on the student.

Mr Mark did say that punishments like public caning can be extremely damaging to a child. I refer to a school student, be it primary or secondary, as children. Seems more appropriate that way. But ah, rest assured aite? Ain't callin you guys "a kid". =p It's more of a..i don't know..profession-related thing? Maen. YOU SAW THAT. WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT ME BEHAVING MORE AND MORE LIKE A TEACHER. ok. i'll stop there. Banu.

So yeah, ahem, he suggested one solution: Take the student aside. State the facts, right out. Tell him or her that you are in a state of perfect awareness of what he or she is up to and you would very much appreciate it if he or she limited his business OUT of school and the other students. Be firm. Make it clear, WHO'S boss.
(He didn't really say it in those words, but yeah, you get it)

Of course, there definitely is a bigger problem that wasn't addressed - the dude was selling porn man. That's like..let's see: one of the worst forms of degradation of the modesty of both men and women, a repulsive addiction, a total waste of time, it's perverted and HELLOH!'s against the freaking law man.

But ok..let's not get too emotional. I believe I AM right to say that there IS a bigger problem. But it looked like, from what Mr Mark told us, that that's the situation in today's world. We cannot possibly risk lashing out at the student, chide him or her openly and expect no negative outcome. Ahem, outcome concerning teachers k..teacher's side. Gone la u if you do such a thing. You come out of the staffroom one "fine" day and find your car *horror*..your beloved i don't imprezza or something SCRATCHHHHHHED...KIEEKKKKKKKKK (Mark, 2009)..hah. sakit hati no?

I think Mr Mark has quite a pragmatic approach to the whole issue AND at the same time, he ACKNOWLEDGED that there was INDEED, a bigger problem. Nevertheless, from where I see it, he's not going for the neck right away. He is actually sneaking up to the whole...ok wait. This sounds weird. Lemme rephrase..hmm...

OK. I think I've got it - he's being more subtle. There's no need to act rashly. Make it a win-win situation by being calm la right. Sounds all right to me.

Next, we had Numerical Literary. Joy. (No really, JOY)

DR LAWRENCE aka DR LAW! (Khalid, 2oo9)

What a delight. Seriously.

Not gonna write about what we did for the class except of course...Nanuland creatures..funnaaay as usual. =p Sam, Shy and I were talking about "balls" again...Note: the last sentence is open to LOTS of connotations k. Feel free to make your own. It's a free country (*raises eyebrows*).

I must warn you, though. *Whispers* It's not what you think it isss.....0.0

And then..after break..during which the table that my buddies and I sat at was immensely popular. lolz..seriously, table-for-four became table-for-what...-six?(doesn't sound like many, but the table is seriously small, okays?) Muaahahah...=p We were once again on the topic of "balls". Interesting.

The next event of course brings us back to the so-called "subject matter", ahem, of this entry: partay! 0.0

I really am talkative, am i not. Hmm. Joy. For real.

p/s: To all the lecturers mentioned in this post, Madam Caroline, Miss Pat and Mr Mark and Dr Lawrence, I have the utmost respect for ALL four of you and whatever I might have quoted from you, shows how much I concentrate in class. eheheheh...really. Love you!

pp/s: please..forgive me for my retarded referencing skills. Dr Laaawwwrence, hehe. sir. 0.0...:)

And thanks Madam Carol! For the wonderful afternoon :)



the happiest hours ever!
tq mam^^

p/s; the "balls" keep me thinking Banu...huhuhu
Banu Piriya said…
haha..thinkin about what shy? =p

remember what u said? you said YOUR balls were better. HAHA!

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