
Haha. Lizard. Right.

During our Numerical Literacy class today..a lizard from NanuLand made a surprise visit. It was quite a visit, I must say. What an entrance..tch tch tch. Wow.

Female shrieks..all over..phenomenal. o.0

What the 51 of us did not realise was that two other visitors from Nanuland were already amongst us, in disguise. Perfect ones at that.


There really was a lizard though..a really huge one..Shy managed to get a picture of it..Wonder if he'll post in on his blog...*Sigh* without a very unfortunate~

Anyways..did the "in such a night" scene today..during play practice. Man..lemme tell you, it was..well. funny. Seriously.

Khalid aka Nanu was well, his usual wacky self. Which..i don't know, made things easier? Well yeah, it was funny. That, I can tell. I just couldn't stop shaking..silent laughter.

I have these few 3? And then, I just sit there while he, Lorenzo blabbers on and on...and I just make "super" tersipu-sipu know..a girl. EW.

I just hope I don't yawn on the real day rest of the scene..i just SIT there. No. Actually that was just today. I just sat cos I could stand no longer. MY HIP was killing me. o.0..Yes. Standing actually hurts the hips. Legs didn't really bother me. But yea. Hips.

Jessica. HOW the heck did I look like to Miss Hendon and Madam Z in the auditions man. LOL..yada yada yadaaa...GOD, save me. Do everything in your power to stifle my yawns for the day k. Cos I swear. It's gonna happen.


no worries banu^^
i will upload da pic later!

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