I have a dream
Wat up peeps? :D
That was a forced smile up there.
Well, let's just say things have not been entirely good for yours truly these past couple of weeks.
You know, I never complain. I don't breathe a whine. Seriously.
And while everything has a first time for it, I sure as hell don't have one for this lolz
This is not whining la k.
You see, thing is I came across this definition of a blog in my ICT class in Uni.
It says, a blog is basically an online journal. And what does one see in a journal? To my understanding, it is a log of the day's happenings...provided of course it's a daily journal of one's everyday life. It could be a food journal, even. :D
Anyhow, so this is what this post is about la. Not whining but letting y'all know about what's happening in yours truly's kaleidoscope of her recent days.
Wth. That's too mushy. Too flowery.
In short, updates.
First of all...there's the piano tutoring I've been doing. One of my students told me last week that she can't go on learning. >.<
You know what that means, right? I lose a student, I lose the money.
I am not doing it for the money really. But I kinda NEED the green notes man. (They ain't really green. Just some kinda mojo)
I love music...I love teaching music even more. So, I wasn't really concerned when the news came in.
However, I still had my first student. Who happens to be a very good beginner, if I may say :)
I hope she's enjoying it too.
At the rate this is going, I will be earning at least 20 pounds per month. That' 4 classes. 5 pounds per hour.
The classes that I intend to take for me is gonna cost a hell lotta more than that. 22 pounds per HALF an hour k. lolz..no kidding
If I am going to move one grade up, I will definitely need to take classes at least once a week. Twice a month ain't gon do the job...nah-uh.
That's only the first.
Second news.
I emailed the director of the music department last Thursday about getting in touch with a piano tutor. An adult, certified pianist who perhaps has a teaching diploma in music.
I have, thus far received no reply.
This is the freakin director of music we're talking about here.
God knows where I got the nerve to even type out the email.
I even hinted at a request for him to tutor me. I am prepared to pay the notes. Seriously
I will, by hook or by crook find some way to get the money.
Legally, of course.
So yes, this evening. I headed for choir practice at uni about 5 PM.
Turns out, I didn't get the memo that the choir was cancelled? At least I think it was.
There was one other girl waiting when I got there. She didn't get know as well.
Anyways, I went with high hopes man. Hoping to see the director in-person. He handles the university chorus society.
That's probably how I got the guts to do it.
The email that made history.
Or perhaps is going to.
Come to think of it. That's all really. Those two are the nagging thoughts as of now.
Only two.
And I am a wreck.
*Awkward pause*
By the way, I am thinking of getting down to writing a book.
I know, I know...i have said this before and nothing concrete has come out of it.
I did try, you know.
But the muse wasn't right.
I don't think I am going to try my hand at fiction.
I might, who knows.
Let's just hope nothing adds to that list aite...
Fingers and toes crossed.