New Book!

You know, nothing gets me more excited than a new book - that was on my Facebook status about a week ago..

...when I finally decided to just order one of the items on my wishlist..

JENG JENG! that's right...hehehe..

The Help by Kathryn Stockett is the book..and I am going to pamper this baby loads much..cos i spent..ok, come to think of it, not that much aso la. Maybe I'm gonna take care of it, just because I love books so much :)

Yours truly is currently keeping herself busy by going for countless house viewings in a single day than anyone in their right minds would be doing in a week I think. But thankfully, the routine has ended since 2 days ago...and I think we might have found just the place :D

Praying hard that the agreements are all settled by the end of this month at least...Hmm *fingers crossed as well*toes, even*

Remind me to do the happy dance when things finally get through properly :D


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