My Thaipusam Break..last day

It's break today...and I'm as lazy as EVA!(i actually have a senior named eva, so yeah, eva, if u see dis, heheh). Nishaa is already back in MMU. We didn't even meet up over the 3-day break, but I kinda miss her. Yeah, rase semcm le..Anyways, I just got started with the REAL load of tasks from college. I started some on Saturday morning, but heheh, just jujubee. I'm having a few tendencies now:

~I'm feeling the incessant urge to cut out certain articles in today The Star. One is about 2 MPs, who have done some kinda publicity stunt. La, kan semlm this 2 dudes, paid a visit to some Ipoh temple fella carrying an Indian boy..note, INDIAN boy..never mind the fact that obviously the kid was an Indian...and another MP, waving to the crowd. And he can sempat look at the camera some more. Maen, that look he was giving..HAHA...mmg obvious that these two dudes are trying to make their visit known to eberibadi. La, mmg la your every move as an MP will be scrutinised by the media..but dono la, something about this particular piece of news caught me attention..hmm..i mean, MPs do this kinda appearances all the time and I'll take one look at the headlines, and just flip the page over..

~The paper is currently turned over to the cartoon section. Calvin and Hobbes by DA GREAT Bill Watterson is exceptionally fahnee yeah, I feel like cutting it all out la..and yeah, there's another news about Thaipusam. Apparently, 2 youths (i sound like a boring middle-aged newscaster when I use this word..daem.) chose to "incorporate their love for the club with their religious beliefs" sempena the festival. Those were the words of Claire Chuah, an English tourist...wonder where the Chuah came from...the name, i mean.
Anyways, the boys actually put Liverpool and MU's emblem on top of their kavadis! DEI..savadi la duuuude....

~I just love this song: Love Story by Taylor Swift. This is the second time I actually like Taylor Swift other than her songs...i swear. before this, when I saw her in Our Story, I didn't really share the opinion of the many critics and fans who just adore her. But, I liked her in Teardrops On My Guitar, and now, this! Heheh, u go girl.. ^ ^

~He got into the fraternity...yeays~

~i AM SO DA RELUCTANT to go back today la...cos tomoro must wake up early

~ I still have the poem to write, already written it, but gotta get it done fancily (man, i hate this word) sounds so gedik ryteeee


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