I'm back yaww

Hey y'all :)

More than a month without a new entry..

Must have been super annoying to visit and then find the same ol' thing no?


Sorry yaw :/

You are right to assume that I had nothing to write about.

Rantings were far too personal.

And at other times, I simply had nothing absolutely worthwhile to blog about.

I am sitting in the computer lab right now, half an hour to go for the last ICT lesson for this term.

That's right. LAST WEEK of term. hehe..

I didn't even realise that till a while ago.

You know, I intended this post to be a personal letter to someone, but of course...if it was personal, why would it appear here in this public blog, right?


It's a little over 2 months now..and things have not changed much; not for the better and I don't think for the worse either. I don't even know if that person is one of the people viewing my blog. Probably not la.

Doesn't matter. Life goes on, regardless.

Also, yours truly had just recently "lost" a friend. There're a gazzilion reasons why I have put in inverted commas for that word. Lolz

Truth be told, I don't give 2 flying farks about the whole shit la. Seriously.

Shit happens at times, and no matter how honest you might choose to be things just don't go your way. However, one thing's for sure: you can always count on the fact that things that seem to be so suckish and shitty now, could mean the best for tomorrow...or some time in the future.

I don't know if that made sense.

But yeah, lolz..this could all be a blessing in disguise.

I hope it is.

Cos, believe me, for the life of me I have tried being as honest as honest can be. I have allowed ample time before hoping for anything too concrete.

And then at one point, something clicked. Why even bother?

It was like fighting to keep something alive that clearly wanted to die.

OK...that might not have been the best of analogies that I can offer. But well, there you go.

As of now, I am enjoying the solitude and I can say that in full security and sureness :)

No hesitation, no turning back.

As for that personal letter, er...maybe not wise to do so. Considering that the person I am going to intend it for wouldn't even read it..and the post would just disappear lower and lower on the page as I post more entries.

Suffice to say that...I almost spoke to the person today but decided not to...and you won't believe why - I was hoping to start a conversation that would last a little longer than just saying what I wanted and dashing out the door...just cos I hadta go to class.

Almost did it la. But didn't. That was a stupid reason by the way.

See y'all soon :D


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