Hello 2008!!..

A whole new year....erm..before I embark on this new blog entry of mine, I'd like to apologize to all of my blog viewers for not being able to write my own elaboration on the Benazir Bhutto matter. So, anyway, I feel really sorry for her and her family.

So, today, I didn't sleep at all. As in starting from 12 midnight; since the new year dawned. And, no, this not an excuse for me to like..hold on to the past year. Everything is pretty much the same except for SPM results which will be out in like...2 months??..damn.

I posted a bulletin on Friendster entitled, "My Firsts..in 2008. I'll copy and paste it here...on another entry. Michael Jackson sounds really good on this track..the one I'm listening to right now-Rock My World...featuring Chris Rock..lol..It's damn funny..worth a listen.

First person who wished me today was my mum. I wished her too..This morning, my whole perception on this driving-a-car "ordeal" changed. My dad asked me to start the engine of the Kancil. I did..not without some hesitation, of course..I mean, it's a CAR. So, i unlocked the car, unlocked the gear box, checked if the hand break was pulled, then, i put the key in the ignition. My dad taught me a trick, in case the engine doesn't start. Before turning the key, step on the accelerator, release it. Then, turn the key. The engine starts on the first try. Then, I got out of the car. I started walking away when I thought, hey, why not listen to a bit of the Morning Crew on Hitz.FM? So, I turned back and went to on the radio. As I was listening I started playing around with whatever there was in the car; I turned on the wiper, the headlights, checked out the side and rear mirrors, just like how my dad does it. And then, of course I turned whatever that was on, off..except for the radio.

When my dad came out to the driveway, I told him, " 'ya, teach me tonight???.." As in how to drive the car la..And he was like, "aah, OK..good" in this really pleased type of tone..CAN'T WAIT!!!...


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